Odeum Farms was recently featured in the City of Canning’s Business Showcase:

As you enter the reception of Odeum Farms in the Canning Vale fruit and vegetable precinct, you will see twelve values that underpin its operation hanging with pride. These values are made up of short, easy to understand phrases such as ‘talk straight’ or ‘confront reality’. Built on a foundation of trust, these values exemplify the way Odeum Farms goes about its business. Trust has allowed Odeum Farms to grow (pardon the pun) from its beginnings in 2000 as a fresh produce supplier to retail chain stores, onto venturing into Exporting produce as well as supplying the Hospitality and Food Service industries.

Since buying into the business in 2009, Managing Director John Travers has further diversified the company with Odeum Farms now offering finance to its growers. Valuing trust in the supply chain, Odeum Farms has loaned in excess of $5 million over the last 6 years.

Known as the ‘Grower Assistance Package’ or GAP funding, a high number of loans have gone to members of the culturally and linguistically diverse community who often struggle with the procedures and protocols associated with traditional financial institutions. With an in-house culturally and linguistically diverse team Odeum Farms have been able to assist these growers through the application process to open the doors for investment into new technologies, improving quality and yield (See video on the GAP here).

If are looking for a trusted partner in your supply chain, then look no further than Odeum Farms.


Source: Showcasing inspiring stories about Canning Businesses