With superb quality new season fresh Stringless Beans coming from Kununurra and Runner Beans from Carnarvon, why not try this delicious recipe and at the same time support WA.

Mixed Bean Salad


For the Salad:

 * 200g shelled fresh broad beans (can substitute with any other round bean varieties if unavailable)

* 150g fine green beans, trimmed

* 150g stringless runner beans, sliced diagonally

* 200g shelled fresh garden peas (can use frozen)

* 2 shallots, peeled and thinly sliced

* juice of 1 lemon

* 410g can butter beans, drained ad rinsed

For the dressing:

* round shallots, peeled and finely chopped

* juice of 1/2 lemon

* 6 tbsp of fat free vinaigrette

* 1 large mild green chilli, remove seeds and finely chopped

* 1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed

* 1 tsp roasted cumin seeds

* sea salt


1. Cook the broad beans in a saucepan of lightly salted boiling water for 4-5 minutes, adding the green beans and runner beans after 3 minutes (if using tinned beans, they just need to be rinsed). Add the garden peas for the last 2 minutes, then drain and plunge into cold water. Drain again, then remove and discard the tough white skins of the broad beans. Set aside.

2. Meanwhile place the sliced shallots into a bowl with the lemon juice and set aside.

3. Make the dressing by putting the chopped shallots and the lemon juice into a large salad bowl. Leave for 10 minutes then whisk in the vinaigrette. Stir in the green chilli, garlic and cumin seeds and season to taste. Add the beans and garden peas to the dressing and mixe together.

4. Drain, rinse and dry the sliced shallots and use to top the salad, serve immediately.